Facilitate the development of a clear project brief
Establish the procurement policy for the project
Assist the client in the procurement of necessary and appropriate other consultants including the clear definition of their roles and responsibilities
Establish in conjunction with the client, other consultants and all relevant authorities, the site characteristics, rights and constraints for the proper design of the intended project
Define the consultant’s scope of work and services
Conclude the terms of the agreement with the client
Facilitate a schedule of the required consents and approvals
Prepare, coordinate and monitor a project initiation programme
Facilitate client approval of all Stage 1 documentation
Assist the client in procurement of the other consultants
Advise the client on the requirement to appoint a health and safety consultant
Communicate the project brief to the other consultants and monitor the development of the concept and viability
Agree to format and procedures for cost control and reporting by the other consultants
Prepare a documentation programme and indicative construction programme
Coordinate concept and viability documentation for presentation to the client for approval
Facilitate approval of the concept and viability by the client
Facilitate approval of the concept and viability by statutory authorities
Agree and implement communication processes and procedures for the design development of the project
Assist the client in the procurement of the necessary other consultants including the clear definition of their roles and responsibilities
Prepare, coordinate, agree and monitor a detailed design and documentation program
Conduct and record consultants’ and management meetings
Facilitate input required by health and safety consultant
Facilitate design reviews for compliance and cost control
Facilitate timeous technical coordination
Facilitate client approval of all Stage 3 documentation
Recommend and agree on procurement strategy for contractors, subcontractors and suppliers with the client and the other consultants
Prepare and agree on the procurement programme
Advise the client, in conjunction with the other consultants on the appropriate insurance
Coordinate and monitor the preparation of procurement documentation by consultants in accordance with the project procurement programme
Manage procurement process and recommended contractors for approval by the client
Agree on the format and procedures for monitoring and control by the quantity surveyor of the cost of the works
Coordinate the assembly of the contract documentation for signature
Arrange site handover to the contractor
Establish the construction documentation issue process
Agree and monitor issues and distribution of construction documentation
Instruct the contractor on behalf of the client to appoint subcontractors
Conduct and record regular site meetings
Monitor, review and approve the preparation of the construction programme by the contractor
Regularly monitor the performance of the contractor against the construction programme
Adjudicate entitlements that arise from changes required to the construction programme
Receive, coordinate and monitor approval of all contract documentation provided by contractor(s) es
Agree on quality assurance procedures and monitor the implementation thereof by the other consultants and the contractors
Monitor preparation and auditing of the contractor’s health and safety plan and approval thereof by the health and safety consultant
Monitor the preparation of the environmental management plan by the environmental consultant
Establish procedures for monitoring scope and cost variations
Monitor, review, approve and issue certificates
Receive, review and adjudicate any contractual claims
Monitor the preparation of financial control reports by the other consultants
Prepare and submit progress reports
Coordinate, monitor and issue practical completion lists and the certificate of practical completion
Facilitate and expedite receipt of occupation certificate
Co-ordinate and monitor rectification of defects
Manage procurement of operations and maintenance manuals, guarantees and warranties
Manage the preparation of as-built drawings and documentation
Manage procurement of outstanding statutory certificates
Monitor, review and issue payment certificates
Issue completion certificates
Manage agreement of final account(s)
Prepare and present the project close-out report
CPDev have a full working knowledge of the five principal forms of contracts between employers and contactors and regularly implement these forms of agreement for Clients. The most common form of contract is the JBCC and is generally accepted on property development projects, when utilizing the JBCC principal agreement we use the PROCSA form of contact to appoint consultants as the conditions and consultant deliverables are aligned between these forms of agreement.